
An outdoor sports and experiences company specializing in sales, lodging and travel.

I was brought on as a freelance UX Designer to assist in updating the sites aesthetic and improving the usability. The first project that I was a part of was redesigning the shopping cart and step-by-step checkout process with a goal of streamlining transactions from beginning to end while minimizing any unnecessary steps and reducing potential friction points and distractions in the process.

Contract UX Designer | September 2023 - Current

Mobile Cart

The day the cart went live, the company saw an 71% increase in sales compared to the the same calendar day the previous year.

Step-By-Step Checkout

We organized the checkout into collapsible modules on a single page making it possible for shoppers to input their data, review order details and complete their transaction without navigating to different pages.

By centralizing every critical aspect of the transaction process we eliminated the need for multiple page loads and reduced the amount of clicks, time and effort it takes for a user to complete the checkout process.


The Winning Seat